Female friendly workshop

Female Friendly Club Training

Find out how you can help more women and girls get involved with football

Does your club want to help more women and girls get involved with football in Cambridgeshire?

We are hosting a Female Friendly Club Workshop at Cambs FA HQ on Thursday 26th March 2020 that will help your club to make the most of the opportunity that comes from one of the fastest growing areas of the game.

This interactive workshop is aimed at both club committee members and coaches and will provide you with practical advice and help you to create the right environment at your club to grow female participation. It will help you understand off-pitch and on-pitch considerations and discuss real life case study examples to enable you to build your own game plan for growth.

Venue: Cambridgeshire FA HQ

Date: Thursday 26th March

Time: 6.30pm - 9.30pm

 For more information or to book your place please email amy.newell@cambridgeshirefa.com


Female Friendly Workshop