
Here to help make sure you enjoy playing football

Keeping safe

If something is worrying you or making you feel upset there are lots of people who you can talk to.

  • Your mum, dad or whoever looks after you at home
  • Your football coach
  • Your club welfare officer - if you don't know who this is someone you play football with should be able to tell you

If you don't feel like you can talk to any of these people we have a Designated Safeguarding Officer at Cambridgeshire FA. Her name is Diane and you can email her on or call 01223 209021 or 07944 746853

CEOP    Child Line

Click here to report something
bad you've seen on the internet

Keeping safe online

To learn more about how to keep safe when you're using the computer you can visit

Promo Panel

If you're aged 16 or 17 and playing in open aged football The FA have created this simple guidance document to help you understand your rights.

Know your rights

activity area