
Safeguarding and Welfare

English football takes safeguarding extremely seriously.

The ongoing work to make the game as safe and enjoyable as possible is led by The FA, the game’s governing body in this country. This work is delivered through County FAs such as ourselves in conjunction with leagues and clubs.

A clear safeguarding strategy has been put in place by English football to protect people involved in the national game. It is complete with policies, procedures and regulations. Every club in the country must adhere to the policies which apply to them. If not, they face sanctions, including suspension from playing.
Within this section of our website, you'll find all the necessary information and policies on safeguarding and welfare, social media guidance, local initiatives and details on upcoming courses and workshops to ensure you stay on top of your club or leagues safeguarding responsibilities.


Get In Touch

Diane Bradshaw

01223 209021

Safeguarding and Welfare

Safeguarding in Cambridgeshire

Information on CRCs and Safeguarding courses in Cambridgeshire
Cambridgeshire FA 11 V 11

Safeguarding in open age football

Helping adult clubs to understand their safeguarding responsibilities

Best practice and Guidance notes 

The complete directory
Cambridgeshire FA - U9 Girls' Football

Safeguarding policies and reporting concerns

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility
Social Media

Social Media Guidance

Safeguarding children and young people applies as much online as it does face-to-face


Football is open and accessible for all

staying safe online 

Are you worried about somebody's activity online?

There are organisations out there who can support you if you fear someone you know is being exploited.

Internet Watch Foundation

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) is a not-for-profit organisation that works towards the global elimination of child sexual abuse imagery online.

You can find out about their campaigns here, and also read their guidance for parents.

Ann Craft Trust

The Ann Craft Trust is a leading UK authority on safeguarding adults through pioneering training, reviews and research.

Find out more about them here, and read their booklet about what to be aware of when making friends online.

The Online Safety Centre

The Safety Centre hub is designed to provide you with online safety information and advice that is easy to access and simple to understand.

You can read their pamphlets for advice on staying safe on social media here.

online course

safeguarding for all

The FA's new online course provides a basic overview of how to safeguard children, looking specifically at best practice, poor practice, and abuse topics. 

If you're under 18, it'll also explain how to safeguard yourself.