Cambridgeshire FA 11 V 11

Safeguarding in open age football

We are constantly working to make football in our county a safe and enjoyable experience for all

Open-age adult football clubs and leagues across the country have safeguarding responsibilities for their under 18 players and adults in disability teams.

New requirements

At the point of affiliation for the 2023/24 season all Open age adult teams:

Are required to have a named Club Welfare Officer

Are to adopt The FA Safeguarding Children Policy

At the point of affiliation for the 2024/25:

All Open-Age Adult Club Welfare Officers are required to have in-date Player Welfare Course qualification. This course will be free of charge.

All Open-Age Team officials of teams with under-18 players identified through the club Portal/WGS are required to have in date Player Welfare Course qualification.

We are here to help

Cambridgeshire FA is committed to creating safe and enjoyable football for all. We here to support all of our adult clubs and leagues to ensure these requirements are met and can help you with any questions you may have in terms of safeguarding.

For further information and assistance please contact our Designated Safeguarding Officer Diane Bradshaw on 01223 209021 or by emailing

know your rights in football

If you're aged 16 or 17 and playing in open aged football The FA have created this simple guidance document to help you understand your rights.

Know your rights