Cambridgeshire FA - Coaching Football

Coaching Opportunities

For Clubs & Coaches

Coaches noticeboard

Advertise On Our Club Noticeboard

Simply email your advert to and we'll post it here for you (Please note, this service is available for Cambs FA affiliated clubs)

Our noticeboards are for local clubs that need new players, new coaches or new volunteers. is read by people involved in football at all levels - so there's no better place to advertise opportunities at your club.

Wisbech St Mary

Wisbech St Mary


If you find yourself not selected to play for your club at the weekends, Cambridge FC are offering FREE TRAINING MATCHES on both SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS.

Please text Tony on 07494 199900 for further details.

- added 2nd November 2023

Coach/Manager wanted 

Cambridge FC are looking for a Coach/Manager as well as several players.

For details, please Text or WhatsApp on 07494 199900

- added 20th September 2023