Cambs FA

Facilities Council Representative Applications Open

Apply now!

As part of our re-structure of the elected positions on the CFA Council, we have created a new voluntary role to focus on representing the key area of facility development in Cambridgeshire.

While this is a voluntary role, it would be advantageous if the individual has some knowledge of the following:

  • The needs of football clubs in providing suitable playing and changing facilities
  • Delivering a facility improvement project
  • Fund raising and business planning
  • Public and private sector facility projects
  • Planning applications process

    The requirements of the role include:

  • To attend Council Meetings (usually 4/5 per year)
  • To sit on working groups and committees (which can act with delegated authority on certain matters) NB Disciplinary and Referees Committees are set up under regulation from The Football Association
  • Members to be deployed based on their skills and experience, in order to assist with the delivery of the CFA strategy and/or committee terms of reference
  • To represent the Cambridgeshire Football Association, as an elected member (by format, category, or appointed by an organisation) or as a Life Member or Acting Vice-President in a way that assists with the CFA’s overall strategy and/or operations
  • To be clearly active or declared non active in undertaking CFA activities
  • No person shall be capable of being appointed as a Representative Council Member unless he/she holds an active position or recent involvement in football at the time of his appointment
  • To act in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Council Members
  • To undertake all training and fully comply with all requirements relating to Safeguarding Operating Standards
  • To maintain an up-to-date conflict of interest declaration for publication on the CFA website and to provide the Association with information for publication on the website and elsewhere
  • To act as a stakeholder for the whole game as well as the format/ category represented, ensuring that all parties are reminded of the best interests of the game

To apply, please submit the Facilities Council Representative Application Form. Please email this to by 23rd April 2018.