New initiative launched to support Youth Referee development
On Thursday 3rd January, Cambridgeshire FA alongside the Cambridge & District Colts League have launched a new initiative to support young referees in the game.
Every Referee within Cambridgeshire, as well as those from outside of Cambridgeshire who officiate on the Colts League, who are under the age of 18, have been invited to attend one of our regional young referee development evenings which have been organised for around the county.
The initiative has been put together to give a visual aid to clubs, managers, players, parents and spectators that the referee is under 18 and as such, are still a minor.
Cambridgeshire FA and the Colts League are proactively attempting to tackle abuse of referee’s and the purple shirt offers a visual aid to clubs, managers, parents, players and spectators that the referee is still a child, like the players that are participating in the game, and should be treated with the same respect and level of Safeguarding that many parents would expect for their own child.
The shirts are primarily for use within our county youth league system, however can also be used on our adult competitions.
Hopefully this initiative will see an increase in the retention of youth referees and will encourage more young people to take up the whistle in 2019.
Club Secretaries have also been emailed about FREE marketing material for their clubs that they can collect at the Young Referee Development Sessions as well as some additional items that can be purchased at cost price to help promote this scheme within their club on match days.
The details for the Young Referee Development Evenings are:
Monday 21st January – Ely City FC
Tuesday 22nd January – Spicers Pavillion, Sawston
Thursday 24th January – The March Community Centre
Friday 25th January – Cambridgeshire FA HQ
All of the sessions will run from 7:30 – 9:00pm. Referee's can click here to book onto an event.
For clubs to order their FREE marketing material please email who will be able to provide the relevant order form.