An important message from Doctor Liz Robin
An important message from Doctor Liz Robin, Director of Public Health for Cambridgeshire County Council
As I am sure you are aware, Coronavirus has not gone away and there is still a need for everyone to act responsibly and follow the government guidance to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.
As the lockdown measures have been gradually lifted, it is now possible for people to meet up to play team sports once again. This is of course great news as it is well known that partaking in physical activity boosts morale and improves mental health.
However, it also creates a risk if the people partaking – including spectators – are not taking steps to keep themselves safe.
If you are running team sports, or are planning to in the near future, government guidance is available (click here) which I would strongly encourage you to review if you have not done so already.
In summary it is important to remember the following:
- All activity should be consistent with the government guidance regarding health, social distancing and hygiene view here
This includes staying 2m apart from people not in your household or support bubble and washing hands regularly. - All sports should ensure that sessions comply with the relevant National Governing Body Safeguarding Policies and Procedures and conduct a thorough risk assessment. Particular consideration needs to be given to children and young people under the age of 18 and vulnerable adults who may be less able to understand or maintain socia distancing discipline.
- All recreational clubs must develop a written COVID-19 plan and risk assessment prior to activity. Preparation must include those in charge of the session taking part in specific training, as necessary, and participants being asked to consider if their underlying health may caution against participation.
Risk assessments should be completed in line with guidance from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) view here - All clubs running activities for children should also consult the DfE guidance on Protective measures for out-of-school settings (view here) which sets out further practical steps providers of community activities, holiday clubs, after-school clubs, tuition and other out-of-school provision for children should follow to minimise the risk of transmission for children attending their settings.
- Please ask anyone who attends sessions to confirm that they don’t have symptoms of coronavirus– a raised temperature, new continuous cough and/or a loss or change in sense of taste or smell - and encourage those that do to remain at home.
- Ask people to avoid car-sharing to games, stay 2 metres apart during breaks/warm-ups, to bring their own equipment (kit, water) and avoid shouting.
- Ensure good hygiene practices: regular handwashing and/or access to hand sanitiser, avoiding sharing equipment where possible, regular cleaning of equipment and facilities.
- Please remind spectators of the need to follow the guidance and to stay 2m apart from anyone they don’t live with and to spread out as much as possible. Shouting should be avoided.
- Please keep a temporary record of your customers and visitors for 21 days to assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for that data if needed. This could help contain clusters or outbreaks.
Would, at all costs, like to avoid a situation where an area of the county has local lockdown arrangements re-imposed as we have seen happen elsewhere.
We can only do this if people follow the guidance and take sensible steps to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.
I hope you have found this information helpful.
Thank you