Cambourne Town

Cambridgeshire FA Seeking Charity Partner for 2023-24

Charities are invited to register interest in becoming our charity partner for the new season.

Cambridgeshire FA is seeking a charity partner for the 2023-24 season, and welcoming expressions of interest from causes that would benefit.

As the charity partner of the Cambridgeshire FA, the cause would be regularly promoted throughout the course of the season via our website and social media, with donations collected and delivered either during the campaign or at its conclusion.

In addition, our charity partner would have prominent exposure at Cambridgeshire FA events over the course of the year, providing publicity to the local community as to what the charity does and how people can support.

Any charity interested in becoming Cambridgeshire FA’s charity partner for 2023-24 should email with a brief description of what the charity does and how/why they would benefit from being our charity partner.

All submissions will then be reviewed by Cambridgeshire FA, with the successful charity notified prior to a public announcement.