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2023-24 Affiliation

Details for teams affiliating to Cambridgeshire FA for the 2023-24 season.

Cambridgeshire FA are pleased to announce that the club affiliation window for the 2023/24 Season will open from w/c 12th June.

Confirmation of the exact opening date will be confirmed in due course. 

For the first time this season, the club affiliation process will now be on the Club Portal ( which, like last season, will be a team based model.

Also for the first time with Cambridgeshire FA, Personal Accident Insurance will be purchased through the system and save you the club secretary time in having to arrange this separately.


The FA have created guides on how to complete each specific task. These guides can be accessed through the Grassroots Technology page using the link: 

Introduction to Affiliation : Grassroots Technology (

We would strongly encourage clubs to look at the affiliation checklist guide within the link which will outline the tasks to be completed before you can complete your club’s affiliation, and what to focus on once the window is open. It is also really important for clubs to familiarise themselves with the safeguarding requirements that have previously been communicated as these will have an impact on affiliations being approved for 2023/24. One of the key changes to clubs, is that ALL clubs with open age/adult teams, including veterans and walking football teams, are required to have a named club welfare officer at the point of affiliation. Please find attached the Affiliation Guide which confirms safeguarding requirements for all clubs and teams along with safeguarding risk assessment and safeguarding policy templates.

The FA recently hosted a webinar to demonstrate the affiliation process for the 2023/24 season, the link to which is below.


Locally we will be holding drop in sessions via Microsoft Teams throughout the month to support you through affiliation, these sessions are as follows:

Wednesday 21 June - 6pm to 8:30pm 
Tuesday 27 June - 6pm to 8:30pm 
Monday 3 July - 6pm to 8:30pm 
Thursday 13 July - 6pm to 8:30pm

If you would prefer to have face to face support then we will be offering support session on the following dates at Cambridgeshire Football Association, Bridge Road, Impington, CB24 9PH:

Saturday 24 June - 9:30am to 12pm
Wednesday 28 June - 6pm to 8:30pm 
Thursday 29 June - 6pm to 8:30pm

To book either a face to face or a Teams support session please email with your preferred date and time. Time slots will be half hour appointments (e.g for midweek 6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm, 7:30pm, 8pm and for Saturday’s every half hour from 9:30am) 

Please remember a team should not play any matches after the 1 July until affiliated as all insurances will be invalid. 

Please be aware this email address does not accept replies. Please submit a ticket to Cambridgeshire FA via the knowledge base on the link below by selecting "submit a ticket" at the top on a desktop or "new support ticket" on a mobile. 

Submit a ticket here

Our knowledge base contains over a hundred self-help articles, including step-by-step guides, video demonstrations and a known issues section that may help you with your question. 

Cambridgeshire FA Knowledge Base

Useful Documents

Cambridgeshire FA Affiliation Guide 2023-24

Club RA Template

Club Accounts Template

Risk Assessment Guidance

Safeguarding Policy