Amputee football showcase

Cambs and Hunts FA showcase amputee football at local school

Delivered at Cromwell Community College

On 21st March Sarah Hudson (disability development officer) and Gary Marheineke (Hunts FA development officer and England Amputee Goalkeeper and coach) were invited to Cromwell Community College in Chatteris, where they delivered an Amputee football session with the Year 11 sport studies group.

 The students (and teachers) had the opportunity to experience playing on crutches, they took part in various practises which included ways of travel, shooting and defending. Towards the end of the session the students were split into teams and took part in a match. Students took turns playing as goalkeeper where they were able to use both feet, but restricted to the use of one arm.

After an action packed, high energy 90 minutes, the students had fully experienced the amount of fitness, skill and effort required to play football as an amputee. 

We would like to thank Cromwell Community College for inviting us to showcase Amputee Football and hope the students really enjoyed it. 

If any club or school would like to complete a session similar to this, please contact

Amputee football

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